I love puzzles! I like soduku and jigsaws and computer timed puzzles too! Unlike my friend JS I find them relaxing. One reason may be that I remember as a child that our family often pulled them out of the closet during snows or in the summer during afternoon rain storms at the lake. It was something we could do as a family and often we would do the large ones and leave them out for a week or so until we finished. I've had some awesome moments already this month working on puzzles with some of our kids at church! We are using puzzles to talk about HOPE.
Here are some things I have learned about puzzles:
1) sometimes walking away is a good thing. Eye strain and brain strain dictate a break! And so often after walking away you can come back and the very piece you searched in vain for earlier will be the first thing you see upon returning! It is as though your brain actually worked on finding it while you were away!
2)Things can change fast. I have often looked for what I was sure was a dark blue piece to finally try an indigo piece that was an exact fit. When it comes to hues and blends one can't always know how quickly things can lighten (or darken) up!
3) The picture on the box is not always in proportion to the puzzle. "But the building is taller! It's not time for sky yet!" I have often been perplexed when the picture doesn't meet my expectations. It can be a source of anger for me!!! The only solution is to keep working it out!
Puzzles are frequently like my life experiences. I need to walk away from frustrating situations to get perspective. Some good sleep can often helped me see the solution I formerly missed.
Often, just when I think things will never change--light breaks through. God often surprises me with a beautiful color I didn't expect.
And my expectations can keep me from seeing the answers right in front of me. God is not limited by my expectations. My limited vision is in stark contrast to His creativity.
God promises that He is at work around us--we just aren't always in tune with the colors with which He chooses to paint. Or we are looking too hard for what WE expect. I am relearning Romans 8:28 which I summarize in my brain as "We KNOW....God works for the GOOD..."