Friday, September 5, 2008

Is Blogging for ME?

I have been a journaler for many years. YES, it helps me to write out my thoughts, to sift through the first feelings and get down to where I can hear God's still small voice AFTER the storm of emotions subsides. But my journals are private. They chronicle the lessons God has taught me through the years about parenting, growing as a Christian, hard lessons about dependence and independence, grieving, the joys and struggles of marriage, big lessons about simple things.

I put myself OUT THERE for only one reason. I want to encourage parents. I want to see Christian families grow stronger and raise children who will be a generation of BOLD witnesses to the power of God. I want single parents to hang on another day and believe that God is bigger than their biggest problem. I want to encourage spouses not to give up on fractured relationships....yet. I want to shout out that our God does heal, does strengthen, and does have a plan...bigger and better than anything our small minds can imagine.

We can train our minds to think past the immediate, to look down the road, to believe that this moment will pass and our futures will open up to God's vast possibilities. With ourselves and with our children we must think and teach with the end in mind.

I will blog and together we will HOPE, beacuse God is out there....ahead.

1 comment:

Hall Family said...

YAY! I am so excited you have joined the blogging world!

I look forward to reading all the wisdom you have to offer us!
